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Vantaa is building carbon neutrality – log daycare centres and service homes pave the way

4 min read

The City of Vantaa in Finland is committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 and developing a prosperous and ecologically sustainable city for current and future residents. The Hoivarakentajat's expertise in low-carbon construction meets the need. 

Vantaa is keen to promote wood construction – many 1000 m2 day-care centres with wooden frames were built in the city as early as the 1980s and 1990s. The first log kindergarten was built about thirty years ago. 

– Today, we often build two-storey day nurseries up to a couple of thousand square metres with wooden construction, says Juha Vuorenmaa, the City of Vantaa's Construction Manager. 

In 2022, Finland's largest, 2500 m2 log kindergarten was completed in Koivukylä by Hoivarakentajat. The Ruusupuu kindergarten, which was an option in the tender, opened in January 2024.


Carbon footprint included in the tender

One of the criteria for the tender was the carbon footprint in the construction phase. Was it more difficult to include the carbon footprint in the tender than in a normal turnkey contract?

– No. Once you have limited the tender so that it can be calculated without pricing the risks, the price of a turnkey contract is usually the same or slightly lower than for projects designed by the city. 

According to the construction manager, that's fairly typical. Vuorenmaa also predicts that carbon footprint requirements will become more commonplace. 

The role of the public sector as a trendsetter will become more important. In the next 3-5 years, projects will be made low-carbon, regardless of the type of construction.

Juha Vuorenmaa, Construction Manager, City of Vantaa

Resource wisdom drives construction

Vantaa will follow its roadmap for resource wisdom, published in 2018. 

– Resource wisdom means sustainable use of natural resources, with as little or no waste or emissions as possible, Vuorenmaa says.

The roadmap has also prepared Vantaa for the new Building Act, which will enter into force at the beginning of 2025. The legislature aims to streamline construction, boost the circular economy and digitalisation, and improve the quality of construction. Attention will be paid to issues such as the manufacture of building materials, construction, construction waste prevention, and recycling. 

– In Vantaa, we have been gradually introducing the future construction criteria even before the legislative obligation, says Juha Vuorenmaa.

A safe log nursery is a source of pride

– Thanks to real wood, the interior of the log daycare centre is acoustically gentle and visually beautiful. The experience is uplifting, as the facilities exceed the quality standards of ordinary housing. It is a nice place to work, both for the children and the adults in the daycare centre, says Sakari Miettunen, architect SAFA, who designed both Koivukylä and Ruusupuu kindergartens.

According to Jenni Vähätupa and Merja Pulkkinen, the directors of the Koivukylä daycare centre, everyday life has been going smoothly in the new log kindergarten. 

The overall look of the large daycare centre is nice and cosy. We are proud of our safe log nursery with good indoor air and peaceful acoustics.

Jenni Vähätupa, Director of Koivukylä daycare centre

Merja Pulkkinen adds: – Cooperation and communication with Hoivarakentajat has been good and direct, and we are listened to. We also had good cooperation with the city's facilities services and Hoivarakentajat in the warranty repairs. I can see that the new log building has an important market value in recruitment and is also a great attraction for many parents.

Vantaa's targets also guide the allocation of plots

In August 2024, a unique service home for people with disabilities was completed in Vallinoja, Vantaa. The four-winged building made for Aspa Services is the first A-energy class log service home for 24-hour use in Finland. 


According to Wilma Toljander, Housing Specialist for the City of Vantaa, the proposal of Aspa Services and Hoivarakentajat stood out in the competition for the plot allocation. It showed that the competition programme and the city's objectives had been carefully considered. 

– We got what we wanted: flexible facilities that meet the needs of the developmentally disabled, an imaginative courtyard design, and a resource-wise implementation. The cooperation has been very good and pleasant with all parties involved," says Wilma Toljander.

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